Problems Not Solutions

Today an interesting read by a Columbia professor: The examples you see in the textbooks are not representative of the sorts of problems you see in the real world I see it too. But what is even more important to me regarding Maths or Physics is that very often the real problems you encounter can only be solved/described/modelled using a mix of various approaches. It is sometimes obviously easy when you’re learning a particular topic that the posed problems can be automatically solved by applying this thing you just learned about....

April 7, 2022

Simple PR Stats

So my Rails project failed before it even started. I am not surprised, I know myself quite well. I think I don’t have enough frontend experience and that’s what blocks me from going forward. I’d like to say I took a breather and stopped thinking about side-project ideas, until one suddenly appeared to me, but obviously I still had that thing at the back of my head that tried to generate new ideas amd another thing that validated if those are within my reach....

March 31, 2022

After Hours

I have noticed that it takes me about 30 to 60 minutes to clear my mind after work. Until then, my mind is foggy and I’m living life on auto-pilot for a while. Sometimes I even feel I’m not completely back for the rest of the day. It sounds a little bit scary, and I the more I think about it, the more I realise it should make me scared, for my own good....

February 16, 2022

Ruby on Rails Questions, part 1

I decided to give RoR a try. I don’t quite feel it yet, mostly because I’ve never learned any Ruby. Maybe it’s not the smartest move to learn the framework without learning its mother language, but at least it’s a move. I opened the official Getting Started guide on my 2.5 hour long train ride and finished the basic “blog” app by ~copy-past~ following the instructions step by step. On my way back (another 2....

February 13, 2022

Gimme a Break  [draft]

Gimme a break, gimme a break. Break me off a piece of that…1 I finally encouraged myself to ask for a one week break from work. I have been thinking about that for over several weeks, but I always backpedaled at the last moment, explaining to myself that there’s no actual reason for me to do it. My modus operandi after the decision not to take a brake was dealing with the work fatigue quite well for a couple of days, then feeling worse and worse, regretting that decision, until the fatigue finally started spilling onto other parts of my life....

February 8, 2022

Ruby or Not Ruby

Hacker news is an interesting place. Today I saw an article about the superiority of Ruby over Javascript ecosystem when it comes to tooling simplicity. The points made by the author make sense to me. They are almost too familiar — I spent my latest creative hour on comparisons of several javascript… storage approaches? (like a database wasn’t good enough). On the other hand Ruby with Rails framework in the centre, has only one particular tool for each job, so you won’t waste time on preoptimizing your tech stack even before you wrote a single line of code....

February 5, 2022

Sent From iPhone

The title says it all. I wanted to be able to write and edit posts from my phone. And I made it! I installed a Termius app on my iPhone. It allowed me to generate an ECDSA keypair in a secure enclave – allegedly even the app does not know the key. I then exported the public key from Termius via Signal (it was the easiest way to sync the content from my iPhone to my Windows PC) and pasted it into the terminal, where I was logged onto the VPS running the blog....

January 31, 2022

Interesting things #1

James Hoffman’s 3-part series about moka pot brewing NEVER TOO SMALL channel which shows small, but highly functional apartments Homo Deus by Yuval Noah Harari – very interesting read about the human history and potential future. Lots of author’s personal views on various subjects, so stay cautious and don’t treat it as a scientific book. Moving Out on PS4 Trivial Pursuit: Friends – I had no idea my knowledge about the series is that bad....

January 30, 2022